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Before Castles: Pre-Medieval Wales: Wales before the Norman Conquest. |
Cardigan Castle History, by John Northall: Take a timeline/photo tour of the series castles at Cardigan, built by the Welsh and the Normans. |
The Age of the Castle in Wales: When and how did the age of castles begin? |
Pen Y Bryn, The Princes’ Tower, by Jennifer Rahel Conover: Discover the lost palace of Prince Llywelyn ap Iorwerth. |
What is a Castle? by Paul M. Remfry: Short essay on the nature of Medieval castles. |
Welsh Princes and English Politics by Paul M Remfry: Anglo-Welsh struggles and conflicts viewed in a political context. |
Norman, Welsh and Edwardian Castles: An overview of the three main types of castles found in Wales. |
The Final Campaign of Prince Llywelyn by Paul M Remfry: An examination of the final days of Welsh Prince, Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. |
Norman Castles: Descriptions and examples of Norman castles in Wales. |
Gwenllian, Princess of Wales, by Sian Beidas: The sad story of the fate of the daughter of Prince Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. |
Native Welsh Castles, by Lise Hull: Castles built by Welsh Princes and other leaders. |
The Welsh Marches, by Lise Hull: Learn about the history of the important strategic territories on the Welsh - English border. |
Edwardian Castles: A look at the imposing castles built by King Edward I. |
The Norman Invasion and Rumney Castle, by K. W. B. Lightfoot: A look at the Norman invasion of south Wales. |
Motte-and-Bailey Castles: A description and examples of motte-and-bailey castles. |
The Last Campaign of Prince Rhys ap Gruffydd, by Paul M. Remfry: Of all the campaigns carried out by the Welsh in the twelfth century, that by Rhys ap Gruffydd in 1196 rates as the most significant in relation to castle studies. |
The Castle Builders of Wales: A look at the important Welsh castle builders, Kings, Norman Lords, and Native Welsh rulers. |
Vanished Castles of Wales and The Marches, by Jeffrey L. Thomas: Wales has dozens of interesting castle sites with few visible remains. They count too! |
A Timeline of Medieval Welsh Castles by Paul M Remfry: Extensive list of important dates regarding Welsh castles. |
Medieval Welsh Warriors and Warfare, by Daniel Mersey: A look at the nature of medieval Welsh warfare and tactics. |
The Dating of Medieval Military Architecture by Paul M Remfry: A guide to accurate dating of castle architecture. |
Castles are Rubbish - Archaeological Research, by Daniel Mersey: The important role of archaeology in the rediscovery of Welsh castles. |
Welsh Castles after the Edwardian Conquest: Welsh castles still had a role to play following the Edwardian conquest. |
In Search of Ednyfed's Castle, by John Northall: A look at this interesting site with ties to Iron Age, Roman, and Medieval Wales. |
The Castle in Tudor Wales, when some medieval castles were remodeled into stately homes. |
The Castles of Wales in Art: A selection of drawings and paintings of Welsh castles, romantic depictions that helped create the castle preservation movement. |
The Castles of Wales and the Civil War: The role of castles during the Civil War, including their destruction. |
Artistic Impressions: Samuel and Nathaniel Buck, by Richard Williams: The Buck brothers were among the first to document castles with their 18th-century drawings. |
Castle Siegecraft and Defence: Castle attack and defense tactics and weapons. |
Sycharth Castle, by Richard Williams: Ancestral home of Welsh patriot Owain Glyndwr. |
A Timeline of Medieval Wales: Important and notable dates in medieval Welsh history. |
Essay on William Marshall, by Catherine Armstrong: Ms. Armstrong is an expert and published author on the life and times of arguably one of the most dominant Marcher Lords in Medieval Wales. |
Edward I's Welsh Castles, by Ben Furnival: Well-written essay examining the role of castles in the conquest of Wales. |
Cadw and Castle Conservation, by Richard Avent: An explanation of CADW's important heritage conservation mission. |
An Argument for exploring the Lesser-Known Castles of Wales, by Jeffrey L. Thomas: Why we should consider seeking out the less-famous Welsh castles. |
Early Medieval Powys & The Heledd Poetry, by Susan Mayse: Comments regarding pre-medieval Powys, the Welsh tradition of Canu Heledd poetry, Offa's Dyke, and Elise's Pillar. |